Jo Mercer

Jo Mercer

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Penn State Extension Master Gardeners are offering a Winter Gardening Series of how-to topics for area gardeners on four consecutive Thursday evenings in January and February at the Berks County Agricultural Center in Bern Township. All classes will be held in the Berks County Ag Center Auditorium from 7-9 p.m.

“There’s no better cure for cabin fever than planning for spring gardening,” says Beth Finlay, Coordinator for the Master Gardener Program in Berks County. “The Winter Gardening Series is a chance to jump-start the garden season, hone skills, learn new techniques, and lay plans for your healthiest, most enjoyable gardens ever.”

On January 31, Master Gardener Jan Carlson will present Taking the Mystery Out of Seed-Starting. This class will demonstrate how easy and effective it is to start vegetable, herb, and flower seeds at home. Participants will learn how to choose the best seeds for their needs, how to interpret seed packet information, how to promote good germination, and how to raise healthy seedlings in preparation for planting them outdoors. To register online:

On February 7, Doug Reigle and Martey Costello will present What Do Peanuts, Ethiopian Tomatoes and Jicamas Have in Common?, an exploration of how to grow and use unusual fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Included in the list are sweet potatoes, artichokes, cardoon, elephant ears, figs and Meyer lemons. To register online:

The class on Valentine’s Day, February 14, Master Gardeners Sue Seisler and Margaret Yevics will focus on the fascinating relationships between plants and insects with Birds, Bees, Flowers, and Trees. Participants will learn how to encourage and enjoy these interactions by adding native plants into their own backyard habitats. To register online:

On February 21, Penn State Educator Don Siefrit will teach Tree Fruit, A Worthwhile Commitment? Many gardeners dream of growing and harvesting fruit in their backyards. Would-be growers can avoid common pitfalls by learning the ins and outs of selecting the best cultivars, proper planting, appropriate pesticide scheduling and application, and proper fertilization and pruning. To register online:

Participants may choose individual classes or may register for the whole series. Class sizes are limited to permit hands-on learning and time for discussion.

Registration is required, with a class fee of $10 per person per class. Register online or by phone 1-877-345-0691.

The Pennsylvania State University encourages qualified persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact us at 610-378-1327 in advance of your participation or visit.

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