AYCE Pot Pie Supper at St Paul's UCC in Fleetwood on Saturday, October 27th from 3:30PM to 7PM in their Social Room, at 5 W Arch Street, in Fleetwood.
Menu includes Homemade pot pie, corn, coleslaw, roll with butter and desserts.
As an added attraction the Women's Guild will sponsor a bake sale, silent auction and selling local made chow chow as a preview to their Bazaar (more info on that later.)
Pre-orders pot pie for take-out Friday October 26th can be made by calling Sandi Stern at 610-944-9143 by October 20th.
There will also be baked goods for the public to purchase upon picking up your take out order.
Access to the church can be made from Green & Arch Streets. Price is $10 for adults, $4 ages 4 to 12, and Under 4 years of age is FREE.
There is now more parking across the street on the municipal parking lot.
Wheelchair accessible.