Craig Stevens

Craig Stevens

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One Look At Her Son’s Homework Assignment And Mom Has Stern Message For Teacher


When a mom looked down at her son’s homework, she was horrified. She couldn’t believe that her boy was being forced to learn this in public school. While reports from school after school come in from across the country denying students an opportunity to display their Christian beliefs, they only seem too eager to shove Islam down their throats.

Since Tara Cali posted a simple photo of a note she wrote on her son’s homework assignment on Facebook, she has sparked a nationwide debate about what is and is not appropriate to teach children in school about religion.

The California mom thought she was living in a nightmare when she saw that her son’s seventh grade teacher was spoon feeding her boy a lesson in Islamic belief and prayer. The country is now engaged in a raging debate about who is right, the Bakersfield mom or the school system…

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