When Lani Benavidez was approached at an Arizona Walmart by a stranger saying he was hungry and needed help paying for some cereal, she didn’t think twice about handing him a couple of dollars. What she didn’t know was that the stranger was actually social media influencer Jimmy Darts, who rewarded her kindness with $1,000, praising her generosity and explaining that her gesture had touched him deeply.
In a video posted by Darts, Benavidez tears up sharing that her husband is in the hospital battling lung cancer and unable to work, leaving her to support her family alone. Moved by her story, Darts created a crowdfund campaign to help the family avoid eviction. His millions of followers responded generously, raising nearly $100-thousand to help Benavidez.
The donation has allowed Benavidez and her family to move into a new apartment and secure a brighter future, and she expressed deep gratitude for the overwhelming support. Darts says her kindness shows the profound impact a single act of compassion can have, adding, “Lani is an inspiration."
Source: WTSP
Photo: Iryna Mylinska / iStock / Getty Images