A senior shelter dog, who is blind, is being called a hero for saving his handler from a rattlesnake during a walk. While on a recent walk on the sandy trails near Utah’s Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Dan Fishbein guided senior dog Moogan around to help him avoid running into objects. All of a sudden, Moogan pivoted abruptly, directing Fishbein’s attention to a rattlesnake lying on the trail, which he’d nearly stepped on.
Fishbein was surprised by Moogan's awareness despite his blindness and is now crediting the dog for preventing a potentially dangerous encounter. Looking back on the moment, he’s grateful for Moogan’s quick response, saying, “Who would have thought my blind companion would be the one to save me?”
Moogan’s caregiver, Ben O'Riordan-Tingley, was a bit less surprised by his awareness, knowing that the pup has a good sense of the world around him. "He's got this instinct for fun—loves his toys, loves people,” O'Riordan-Tingley says, “And now, it seems, he's got a bit of a nose for danger, too." Following the incident, he was rewarded with plenty of treats and affection. To Fishbein, Moogan has always been special, but now he sees the pup as his guardian angel.
Photo: Joe McDonald / The Image Bank / Getty Images