After Blue Ridge ISD in Texas initially named Maya Veliz as the valedictorian of her high school, they later rescinded the title saying they’d made a miscalculation. After the announcement, she faced ridicule from classmates, leading her to skip her official graduation ceremony and her parents organized a private "mock" graduation where she delivered her speech to family and friends.
Maya’s story was featured on local news and one viewer was sympathetic to the teen’s situation. Moved by her work ethic and resilience, they decided to attend her private ceremony and offered to pay for her entire first year of college tuition. The benefactor, who asked to remain anonymous, says the gesture is meant to support Maya and show her that her hard work was worth the effort.
The teen expressed gratitude for the kind gesture during the mock graduation. Maya reflected on the importance of community, saying, "I have learned that no one achieves anything alone." Her experience has taught her the importance of perseverance and the value of support from others.
Source: WTSP
Photo: designer491 / iStock / Getty Images