A pair of teens in Greensboro, North Carolina, sprang into action over the weekend to save two people from drowning in Lake Higgins. Trey Cobb, an 18-year-old lake attendant, spotted two men sinking in a fishing boat that had flipped over. He and his coworker, Derek, didn’t hesitate to jump into the eight-foot deep water, swimming out to the boat and holding it up until they could bring the men, one of whom was disabled, safely to the dock.
The disabled man, who only has one leg, was physically unable to get out of the boat, so Cobb and his coworker tied the boat to the dock to prevent it from sinking further. Another coworker, John Lennox, witnessed the rescue and quickly called 911.
The swift actions from the three men meant that by the time first responders arrived, the boat was already back at the pier. Fortunately, no one was hurt during the incident. Now the teens are being hailed as heroes, but Cobb says he’s just relieved that everyone involved is safe
Source: MY FOX 8
Photo: John Elk / The Image Bank / Getty Images