In 2019, Hayley Milks, a Florida woman, generously donated her kidney to a stranger in need, David Montoto, after seeing a heartfelt plea on social media from David's fiancée, Melissa, about his deteriorating health due to kidney rejection. Despite not knowing David or Melissa, Hayley felt compelled to help and reached out to them offering to be a live donor.
After undergoing medical tests and being confirmed as a match, she successfully donated her kidney to David. During her recovery in the hospital, Hayley was visited by several of David's grateful family members, including his brother, William Montoto. He was struck by her kindness and courage and wanted to thank her in person.
After Haley was discharged, William kept in touch and their relationship eventually turned into a romance. He popped the question in 2022 and they got married last year. The happy couple now has a blended family with seven children and it all started with her selfless gesture.
Photo: Elyse Lewin / The Image Bank / Getty Images