Like dark chocolate or strong black coffee? Scientists might have some news about you. A 2016 study has surfaced online that showed that having a preference for bitter foods could indicate that someone has a dark side with psychopathic, anti-social, and sadistic personality traits. The study, conducted by the University of Innsbruck in Austria, surveyed the taste preferences of 953 Americans, and showed a “significant link” between “increased enjoyment of bitter foods and heightened sadistic proclivities.”
What does that mean? According to “Psychology Today,” the term “everyday sadism” that the study uses to describe what people who like bitter tastes enjoy refers to people who “take pleasure from ordinary experiences in which cruelty is vicarious,” including hurting others or watching their suffering. There you go…one more way to judge everyone you know.
Source: NY Post
Photo: Mykola Sosiukin / EyeEm / EyeEm / Getty Images