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DDG: Mom Traveling Alone With Babies Says “Angel’s” Kindness Saved Her

Military spouse and mother of three young children, Summer Erdel, prides herself on managing her household while her husband is frequently deployed, but a recent cross country trip tested her merit. While traveling solo with her children, flying from California to their new home in Raleigh, North Carolina, she had to get them on multiple connecting flights. "By the third flight, my kids were fed up!" Erdel recalls.

On the third leg of their journey, a Southwest flight from St. Louis to Raleigh, Erdel was approached by Jennie Martin, who offered to help. "She let me know she was a mom of four and that she understands my frustrations and how hard it is on the kiddos," Erdel says. At first the struggling mom politely declined Martin’s offer, but when her 17-month-old daughter Skylar vomited all over her mid-flight and Erdel began to cry in frustration, Martin promptly stepped in to help, saying, "Go take care of yourself."

While Erdel cleaned herself up, Martin entertained the kids and held Skylar until she fell asleep. Then once the flight landed in Raleigh, Martin continued to hold the baby, assisting the family all the way through baggage claim. Erdel never got Martin’s contact information before they parted ways, but later she recounted the events of the trip on social media, starting off with “Motherhood is a sisterhood.” She also writes that Martin deserves an award and adds, “❤️❤️❤️ Jennie from Raleigh, you’re amazing.”


Airplane Travel With Infant

Photo: RyanJLane / E+ / Getty Images

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