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Daily Do Good: Michigan Cop Saves Baby Not Breathing In Speeding Car

Last Tuesday, police officer Brendan Fraser pulled over a black Camaro for going more than 30 miles-per-hour over the speed limit in the Detroit suburb of Warren, Michigan. What started as a routine traffic stop became much more serious when Fraser approached the car and realized its passengers included a mother holding her 18-month-old child, who was not breathing and was turning blue.

The whole incident was caught on dashcam and bodycam footage and shows the occupants of the car frantically yelling for help for the baby. Remaining calm in spite of the chaotic scene, Officer Fraser calls for help on his radio before taking the baby from his mother. He then places the baby’s chest on his forearm and starts delivering back-blows. Seconds later, something comes flying out of the baby’s mouth and the child starts breathing again.

More police arrive on the scene and try to console the mother and her brother, who had been driving the car. The baby is taken to a nearby hospital to be checked out and later released to return home with his family. Police Commissioner William Dwyer later praised Fraser for his lifesaving actions, calling them “nothing short of heroic." Dwyer adds that the incident “shows that police work and traffic stops are not always about writing tickets or making arrests." In this case, it was about saving a life.

Source: PEOPLE

A close up of a swithched rotating beacon of a police car. Cop car rooftop flashing lights outdoors. The top of the police patrol car with flasher and antennas. A patrol car lights. Accident.

Photo: Diy13 / iStock / Getty Images

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