During a canoe ride along the Minnesota River in the town of Carver, Minnesota, a bachelor party stumbled upon a dog hopelessly stuck in the mud, with only its head visible. The group of 11 men heard the 13-year-old St. Bernard dog's desperate barks from the muddy riverbank and immediately got to work trying to free the pooch.
For more than a half of an hour, the bachelor party goers dug at and around the pup trying to liberate him. "The dog wasn't moving on its own,” says groom-to-be Mitch White, “So we were feeding it and giving it water." They later learned from his owner that the dog’s name was Ed and he’d been missing for about a day.
After a considerable effort, the bachelor party, along with help from the Carver Fire Department, was able to safely free Ed from the muck, but then the dog was too tired to even move after the ordeal. "Poor guy was unable to walk when we got him out of the mud,” recalls Carver Fire Captain Shaun Cox, “So we carried him back up to the house." Ed’s owner says after some rest, the pup is returning to his old self.
Photo: Cavan Images / Cavan / Getty Images