Sex is a highly personalized experience, as what knocks your socks off might not do the same for someone else. But a new study from Missouri State University set out to define what makes a sexual experience better than average. Researchers did interviews with 78 sexually active participants of different ages, backgrounds and sexual orientations to determine what contributes to “great sex.”
“A friend once asked me, ‘What is great sex anyway? What constitutes great sex? Is there a standard for that?’ That led me on a search where I discovered that we didn’t really have an answer,” explains lead study author Alicia M. Walker. The associate professor of sociology says she started to wonder whether people share a definition for great sex and she decided to do a study to find out.
Based on the interviews, the study finds that most people agree there are three things that combine for “great sex” - orgasm, emotional connection and chemistry.
- While the majority of participants feel orgasms are an essential part of sex, 20 say they’re not necessary for the experience to be “great.”
- Emotional connection is harder to define, but it was rated the second-most important factor for exceptional sex. Many study participants point out that you can have an emotional connection without romantic love, but eight of them believe that emotional component is linked with love. And 16 participants don’t feel there needs to be an emotional connection for stellar sex.
- Chemistry is the other important factor, which those involved with the study agree is an emotional and physical response that’s either there or not. Participants explain that chemistry lets them trust their partner enough to “let go and be present,” so they could focus on their own pleasure.
- After doing the study, researchers conclude that sexual experiences are deeply personal and may be interpreted differently by each partner. Walker sums it up by saying, “Your idea of hat makes sex great may be different than your partner’s.”
Source: NY Post
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