After recent floods in Weld County, Colorado, Josh Logue from Brighton, launched his drone to check out the damage. As the 18-year-old surveyed the area from above, he noticed a dark spot in a roadway a couple of miles from his home. Upon closer inspection, He realized it was a car that had fallen into a hole created by the flooding in a section of a bridge.
Logue ran to get help from his neighbor Ryan Nuanes, an assistant fire chief with the Denver Fire Department, and the two men drove down to the bridge. There they found a Jeep, upside down in the hole, close to completely submerged in the floodwaters. “So we get down there,” Logue recalls, “The horn is blaring, and the car is underwater.'' They soon learned that there were two passengers trapped in the car and they only had a few inches of room still left to breathe, so they quickly called 911.
Crews from the Brighton Fire Rescue District responded and used a truck to roll the Jeep over enough to pull the passengers out of the vehicle. The 66-year-old driver suffered serious injuries, while his 61-year-old female passenger escaped unscathed. It was later discovered that the victims had only been there a few minutes when Logue discovered them. Battalion chief Colin Brunt was quick to praise Logue and pointed out that a few more minutes of the couple being underwater might have led to a tragic outcome.
Source: PEOPLE
Photo: Getty Images