Back in 2017, Eric Valentine was volunteering with an eastern Oregon Boy Scout troop when they came across a group of rafters in need of assistance. Then earlier this month, nearly six years after that day, the tables were turned when the 80-year-old retired judge and former Scoutmaster was badly injured while out hiking and a scout troop came to his rescue.
While hiking and photographing Hells Canyon in Northeastern Oregon, Valentine slipped and fell 60 feet, sustaining significant injuries. Fortunately, someone spotted him struggling and alerted Eagle's Boy Scout Troop 77 who were canoeing nearby. The troop contacted emergency services and tended to Valentine until rescuers arrived and transported him to the hospital.
Earlier this week, Scout Troop 77 visited Valentine in his hospital room where he’s recovering from surgery. During the half-hour visit, Valentine playfully remarked that he had packed and prepared like a Boy Scout for his hike, with the exception of not having a buddy along. He praised the scouts for helping him when he needed help the most. “I asked God to send angels,” he says, “He sent me the Boy Scouts.”
Source: Seattle Times
Photo: Getty Images