Now that the kids have torn through their Easter basket and you’ve enacted the candy tax to take pieces of your favorite treats, you may have more candy than you know what to do with. It may be hard to believe if your family has already eaten so much that there’s only a nest of plastic grass left in your kid’s basket, but some people actually end up with an excess of candy they’re not likely to finish off before it goes stale.
For those folks, these are some ideas of how to use up your unwanted Easter candy:
- Freeze it - Even if you love Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs, you might get sick of them after eating 50 in just a few days, but that doesn’t mean you won’t want one in a couple of weeks, when they’re long gone from store shelves. So do your future self a favor and freeze them, by sticking the wrapped candies in an airtight container as far from the freezer door as possible. Milk chocolate and white chocolate can last up to a year in there without losing quality, and so will gummies and hard candy.
- Donate it - If you’ve got candy you’re never going to want to eat, your local food pantry might welcome it. Check the website or social media pages of donation centers to see what items they accept and make sure you’re only giving unopened packages of candy.
- Compost it - Can’t bear to see a half-eaten bunny in the trash can? You could compost it instead. Liam Donnelly, CEO of urban composting company WasteNot Compost, shares that Easter treats from Peeps to jelly beans to chocolate can all go in a standard compost bin. The packaging might not be compostable, so empty the candy out first.
- Just go ahead and eat it - Most of that Easter candy will be good for a while, like an unopened package of Peeps, which stays fresh for months even without freezing. So before you hastily ditch a treat you could enjoy in a couple weeks, consider hanging on to it, just in case you want it later.
Source: The Takeout
Photo: Getty Images