Students at a Tennessee high school build a prosthetic for their classmate. Sergio Peralta was born with a right hand that never fully formed, but the Hendersonville High School sophomore didn’t let it hold him back. "I got used to it," he says. "I could do pretty much a lot of stuff, almost everything." Some of his classmates who were taking an engineering class at the school thought they could help him with the “almost everything” part.
The students of a class called "Engineering: Design and Development," were introduced to Sergio and they got to work creating a custom, 3D printed, robotic prosthetic hand for him. After several weeks of design and building, Sergio and his classmates put the design to the test with a game of catch.
Sergio was impressed with his new hand and the grateful teen thanked his classmates for what they’d done for him. "I never expected this,” he says. “No one has ever offered me this stuff. Like changed my life. I actually feel like I have a right hand."
Source: Inside Edition
Photo: Getty Images