The Y102 Radiothon to benefit Laney’s Legacy of Hope is happening now!
Call 610-376-4844 to donate or you can donate online by clicking here!
Become a Champion of Hope! Your monthly $20 donation will help kids in our area who are fighting cancer and help find a cure for pediatric cancer.
Thank you to our presenting sponsor Goodfellas Granite!
We couldn't do this without you! During the 2022 Radiothon, our community has donated: $31,970
Keep checking the Chester Perfetto Agency Toteboard to see how generous our community is!
Photo: Dupuy, Amanda
Laney’s Legacy Of Hope provides financial assistance to the families of children currently in active treatment for pediatric cancer. They also provide money towards research for Pediatric Cancer.
Financial Breakdown
50% Grants financial assistance to families in Tri-state Area 40% Grants & research 10% operational cost (there are no PAID board members or volunteers). Since Laney’s Legacy of Hope started in 2014, they have raised close to a quarter of a million dollars through community fundraiser events & donations.
Accomplishments since starting in 2014
Laney’s Legacy of Hope has helped pay the mortgages, car payments, gas, etc. for over 46 children. We also help in ways other than financial - had a ramp installed (by our connections at Grande construction- a long time supporter of LLH) at Liam's house when he came home from the hospital after his leg amputation. Laney’s Legacy of Hope recently had the opportunity to give their first research grant for $100,000 to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in February 2018. We are very close to having our next grant for $100,000 ready- we anticipate that by the end of 2019 we will be able to present it! Laney suffered from AML, she was treated with chemotherapy, full body radiation, and a bone marrow transplant. Just when she appeared to be improving the AML returned and there were no more treatment options, Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) accounts for approximately 20% of pediatric leukemia. It is a very aggressive & fast-moving cancer with limited treatment options. Current treatments achieve long term cures for only 60% of children. Relapsed & chemo-refractory AML make up more than half of childhood leukemia related deaths.
The cinical trial Laney’s Legacy of Hope helped fund is a treatment called immunotherapy, which trains your own cells to fight cancer cells.
This Clinical trial will offer HOPE to many families that had previously run out of treatment options, like Laney Brown. This treatment, called CAR-T Cell Immunotherapy, is awaiting one last approval from the FDA, and is expected to be treating patients nationwide by the end of summer!
Pediatric cancer stats
Each year, the parents of approximately 15,600 kids will hear the words “your child has cancer.” Across all ages, ethnic groups and socio-economics, this disease remains the number one cause of death by disease in children under the age of 19 in the U.S. The number of diagnosed cases annually has not declined in nearly 20 years.
Every day, 43 children are diagnosed with cancer.
About thirty five percent of children diagnosed with cancer will die within 30 years of diagnosis.
On average, about 17% of children die within 5 years of diagnosis. Among those children that survive to five years from diagnosis, 18% will die within 30 years of diagnosis.
Children’s cancer affects all ethnic, gender and socio-economic groups.
The average age of children diagnosed is six to 8.
Since 1980, only four drugs have been approved in the first instance for use in children, compared with hundreds of drugs that have been developed specifically for adults only. Equally important, for many of the childhood cancers, the same treatments that existed in the 1970’s continue with few, if any, changes.
95% of children who survive cancer suffer late-effects, such as infertility, heart failure and secondary cancers.
There are approximately 375,000 adult survivors of children’s cancer in the United States. That equates to 1 in 530 adults ages 20-39.
On average, pediatric hospitalizations for cancer cost almost five times as much as hospitalizations for other pediatric conditions.
Only 4% of federal government cancer research funding goes to study pediatric cancer.