An Alabama nine-year-old comes to his mother’s rescue when she goes into anaphylactic shock while behind the wheel of the car. Sumer Carter and her son Cooper Beavers were in the car headed home when she started to feel a severe allergic reaction coming on. Sumer was going into anaphylactic shock, but Cooper stayed calm and did exactly what was needed.
He wasted no time, calling 911 and stayed on the line answering questions to help emergency crews to find them and know what to do when they arrived. Amanda Borden, an EMT who responded to the call, says she was surprised by how Cooper handled the situation. "When we arrived on scene he had 911 on one phone, and his papa on another,” Borden says. “It just blew my mind. He was calm, but I know he was scared to death."
Borden says a few seconds can be the difference between life and death and Cooper’s response likely saved his mom’s life. Paramedics were so impressed that they invited Cooper to visit the EMS station to take a tour. They’re holding Cooper's actions up as an example of exactly what you should do in an emergency. When asked if he had any advice for others who find themselves in a similar situation, Cooper had this to say, "Just stay calm when anything scary happens."
Source: ABC 33/40
Photo: Getty Images