A boy in Missouri loses his birthday balloons and then gets a surprise from a stranger 500 miles away in Tennessee. Mountain Grove, Missouri second grader Kason Johnson and his classmates celebrated his eighth birthday with snacks and balloons, but while walking to his mom’s car after school, he lost his grip on the balloons and they floated away.
Nearly 500 miles away in Cleveland, Tennessee, Todd Huyler was mowing his yard when he spotted the balloons stuck in his fence. Attached to the balloons was an envelope that had Kason’s school name on it and the business the balloons came from. Huyler used that information to send a care package to Kason at his school. The package contained handmade gifts he created in his woodshop for Kason and his teacher, as well as $100.
Also included in the care package was a picture of Huyler and his Dachshund Henry and a note for Kason’s parents. The note explained that he always uses his time mowing his yard to reflect on the past week and how he can bless people that come into his life. "The simple gesture of a family showing love and appreciation to their second grader with a gift of surprise humbly impacted me beyond belief,” the note read. “How amazingly fortunate Kason is to have a family that will make the effort to show unselfish love.” It turns out that Kason’s family have relatives in the area where Huyler lives and they plan to pay the kind man a visit in the future.
Source: My FOX 8
Photo: Getty Images