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How To Tackle Stress Eating

Mindlessly eating to tamp down emotions is real for many people. Once you start stress eating, it’s hard to stop. Allison Chase, PhD, the regional clinical director at Eating Recovery Center, explains what it is: “Stress eating is when you eat in response to your emotions, as opposed to really nutritionally filling your body.” So how do we break the cycle? Here’s how, courtesy of Chase and other experts:

  • Increase your awareness. Once you own it, you can beat it
  • Get familiar with your craving patterns. Food journals are key here
  • Make a conscious effort to plan every meal and snack
  • Do a brain-to-belly scan. What are your thoughts? What’s your mood? And are you hungry or dehydrated?
  • Take a minute to cool off from your stress before looking at food
  • Keep your mouth busy
  • Get more sleep and drink more water
  • Seek professional help

Source: Women’s Health

Depressed woman eats cake

Photo: Getty Images

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