A new study has found that postmenopausal women who have at least one sugar-filled drink a day have a 78% higher risk of developing liver cancer. The study, which was presented at the 2022 Nutrition Live online event, looked at a sample of over 90,000 women who drink sugary drinks and those who drank fewer than three a month, reports UPI. The study collected data from 90,504 postmenopausal women between 50 and 79 years of age over a span of about 18 years. Researchers said 205 women developed liver cancer during the follow-up. According to data, 7% of participants reported drinking one or more 12-ounce servings of sugar-sweetened drinks per day had a 78% risk of developing cancer. Women who drank at least one soft drink per day had a 73% higher risk, compared with those who never consumed these beverages or drank fewer than three per month.
Link: New York Post
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