Middle school students in Nashville, Tennessee, are placing $5 bills around the town to help spread kindness. In Ms Lisa Shaffer’s sixth grade class at Meigs Academic Magnet Middle School, students are learning to care for others in their community. At a pivotal time in their lives, Shaffer is trying to mold her students into good citizens. "I feel at the middle school level, kids are just starting to think about who they are and what they believe," she says.
Recently, Shaffer read about a good Samaritan hiding money around the city and shared the story in her classroom. "We decided we wanted to do that," says student Tarin Bowles. The class discussed places they could put out $5 bills where they’d be found by people who could use the money. "It needs to be someplace in town that people are maybe struggling," says student Cassidy Gambill.
In the end, the students placed bills near hospitals, humane society locations, and areas frequented by people experiencing homelessness. The $5 bills were placed in a plastic bag with a note telling the finder to use it if they need it or leave it if they don’t. They also ask the recipients to send the students an email. Shaffer says the project encourages the students “to be the best versions of themselves.”
Source: News Channel 5
Photo: Getty Images