A homeless man in Texas whose family believed he was dead has been reunited with them after appearing on the news for rescuing a police officer from a fiery car crash. Johnny Walker’s family hadn’t seen him in months and then a few weeks ago they heard that he’d died in a stabbing, so they searched for the 53-year-old man in local hospitals and morgues, but weren’t able to track him down. But then last week they saw him on T.V. being praised for helping to rescue a Harris County Texas Sheriff’s deputy who was involved in a serious car crash.
Last week, a sheriff’s deputy was responding to an aggravated robbery call at a Houston CVS and was in pursuit of the suspect when he was involved in a crash at an intersection. Walker, who was working near that intersection, ran to see what had happened. He could see that a police car twisted up in the seven-car pile-up was on fire, so he rushed to help pull the officer away from the wreck, believing “it was going to blow up.” More than one local T.V. station aired the story of Walker’s good deed.
Walker’s sister, Monica Collins saw the footage of her brother on the local news. "As soon as we saw his face, we just drove out here just drove the whole area looking for him," she says. "We came to this corner and there my brother is." She says now that the family is reunited with Walker, they’re going to buy him some clothes, food, and help him get the resources he needs.
Source:FOX News
Photo: Getty Images