A Colorado artist and animal lover is offering to draw free pet portraits for people who lost their pets in the Marshall fire. When Angela Hacker saw the devastation caused by the fires in Boulder County, she wanted to do something to help.
The veterinary technician and artist knew that some of the affected families likely lost their pets in the ensuing chaos. Hacker’s own pets have been a lifeline for her in times of trouble, so she thought it would be a nice gesture to offer a free pet portrait to anyone who lost a pet in the fire.
So Hacker posted on Facebook about the offer and was surprised by the number of positive responses. She knew the offer might seem trivial to some, but it was what she could do. “It's not going to bring anybody back. That's not going to fix everything,” she explains. “But, I was hoping that it would just be, going forward for them, a token that they knew somebody cared, and they weren't dealing with this by themselves."
Source:The Denver Channel