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Daily Do Good: Dogs Save Owner After He Had Seizure & Collapsed On A Hike

A pair of dogs save their owner when he has a medical emergency while on a hike. A 71-year-old man was hiking with his two dogs in Cumbria in northwest England when he had a seizure and collapsed. They had just passed a hiker and one of the dogs, a black labrador, ran to get her attention, seemingly to get her help. The hiker returned with the Labrador to find the man lying on the ground with the other dog, a golden retriever, sitting next to him.

The hiker used her cellphone to call for help and the Keswick Mountain Rescue Team sent out a unit to assist. By the time the emergency responders arrived, the man had regained consciousness and they walked him to the base of the trail to a waiting ambulance, who took him to the hospital to get checked out.

The Keswick MRT later took to their Instagram page to tell the story of the amazing dogs. They shared a picture of the heroic pups and thanked the stranger who helped save the man.

Source:Boing Boing

Bird dog portrait in a field.

Photo: Getty Images

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