If you’re trying to achieve the ‘magic O’ then the answer could be on your shoe rack, scientists have discovered. Wearing shoes that have at least a two-inch heel is said to stimulate the muscle that also helps a woman orgasm. The experts at Shanghai’s Fudan University discovered the connection by chance after they conducted a study into the impact different shoe heights had on women’s pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor spans the bottom of the pelvis and supports the pelvic organs such as the bladder and bowel, and uterus (womb) in women. The NHS says that while a strong pelvic floor is good for urinary incontinence and can help treat pelvic organ prolapse, it can also help with your sex life. The experts found that shoes with very high heels, or flat shoes weren’t able to stimulate the muscle in the same way. Published in the journal Translational Andrology and Urology the experts found that two-inch heels also reduced the risk of little leaks.
Link:New York Post
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