It’s been a tough year for Collette Hurd. The 57-year-old woman has been at Chicago’s Northwestern Memorial hospital since May waiting on double-lung and double-kidney transplants. But that hasn’t been enough to dim her spirits and during that time she’s captured the hearts of her medical team. "Even in an ICU setting, every day Collette wakes up with a smile on her face," says NMH staff member Carey McGarvey. "Collette is genuine, truly cares, and gives you a nice 'hanging out with a friend' kind of feeling."
So when hospital staff learned of her upcoming 20th wedding anniversary, they decided to surprise her for the occasion. Working with her husband, they planned a vow renewal ceremony at the hospital’s chapel. For the event, Hurd wore a white veil and a white robe with the word “BRIDE” on the back and she and her husband toasted with sparkling grape juice before a small group of hospital staff and family.
Her medical team say it was the least they could do for one of their favorite patients. "Collette is a shining light," Physical therapist Megan Burwell says. "That's not to say there aren't hard days, because she's been here for quite some time, but she remains so positive — even after a bad day. Her personality and heart are contagious."
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