A mountain biking Minnesota man is alive and well after a serious accident and he owes it all to a stranger, who happens to be an emergency room doctor. Todd was relieving some stress on the Cuyuna Lakes Mountain Bike Trails when he took a violent fall and his chest took the brunt of the impact.
The experienced cyclist was wearing his helmet and had all the safety equipment in place, but he was in bad shape. Medics arrived and were already hard at work, but Todd got lucky when another mountain biker, Dr. Jesse Coenen rode up and realized he could help in this emergency. One of the paramedics said, “We need an airway,” and Dr. Coenen knew what he had to do - an impromptu tracheotomy.
“It's not something that you want to have to do, but we found ourselves in the situation where there's not another option,” he explains. Once Todd was stabilized, he was airlifted to a hospital, where he was treated for a traumatic brain injury. He got to thank the man who saved his life in a Zoom reunion, and Dr. Coenen told Todd, “It’s great to know that you’re alive, to be honest.”
Source:CBS News
Photo: Getty Images