What started as a fun idea ended up turned a Utah family’s life upside-down. Donna and Vanner Johnson decided to buy a DNA-testing kit for “a bit of fun”... only to get devastating results a month later.
When the DNA test came back, Vanner learned he’s not the biological father of their 12-year-old son. Their son was born at an IVF clinic, and apparently some kind of mix-up at the clinic meant that Donna’s egg had been fertilized by someone else, not Vanner. Needless to say, the couple was shocked by the results.
But of course, it doesn’t mean Vanner’s love for his son has changed at all. They sat on the news for a year before breaking it to their son, and even managed to track down the accidental donor eventually… which Vanner says was “the craziest conversation” he’s ever had. Now, they’re in the process of taking the fertility clinic to court.
Source:Lad Bible
Photo: Getty Images