Researchers in Australia have discovered what they say is the secret to losing weight and it all comes down to personality. After studying more than 250-thousand people, experts with the Australian scientific agency CSIRO have identified six main personality types, with each benefiting from a different form of diet. Study authors say understanding which category you fall into could be the key to maintaining a healthy weight. The six diet personality types are:
- Thinkers- The most common type of dieter, “thinkers” are motivated, analytical people with clear goals who are sensitive to negative feedback that can lead to stress and anxiety, which can easily derail their diet.
- Battlers- Coming in a close second is “battlers,” who are also prone to stress and anxiety, as well as temptation to make poor food choices. The study finds they need strategies to break the diet cycle and lose weight and keep it off.
- Cravers- This group has the highest body mass index of all the diet types and they’re most likely to experience intense cravings that may lead to binge eating.
- Pleasers- These folks are likeable, friendly and may be sensitive to criticism and social comparisons, so it’s important for them to surround themselves with positive reinforcement.
- Foodies- Passionate about everything related to food, they also eat the most balanced diet of all the personality types in the study.
- Socializers- This group needs flexibility in their diet so restrictions don’t keep them from enjoying social events, otherwise they’re more likely to fall off the wagon.
“Too often diets are developed with a one-size-fits-all approach that ignores the fact that some people behave or think differently than others,” explains lead study author Dr. Emily Brindal. “Working with your diet type could help you achieve better weight loss outcomes in the longer term.”
Source:The Daily Mail
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