An ICU nurse in North Carolina was in the right place at the right time to save a baby’s life. Binta Diallo was in the bakery at a grocery store in Cary when a frantic mother rushed up to her holding a bleeding infant. Little did she know, she chose the ideal person to help.
Diallo asked the mom if she was okay, but she just handed over the baby, who was “pouring blood from her nose.” The nurse immediately jumped into action, rushing to the front of the store in case EMTs showed up. She says she didn’t think the baby was breathing and she started CPR, using two fingers to do compressions on the tiny patient.
With all the blood on her face, Diallo didn’t do mouth-to-mouth, but she did breathe into the baby’s mouth and after that, she says the baby gasped and opened her eyes. That’s when EMTs arrived and they took over. She says the mother was still in a state of panic, but she was just happy the baby was breathing again. “I’m a mom of three,” Diallo shares. “I’m sure I would’ve been the same.”
Photo: Getty Images