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Daily Do Good: Waiter Surprised With $4.5K Tip After Homophobic Message

Having a customer not tip you comes with the territory when you’re waiting tables, but a server in Wisconsin not only got stiffed, he got a hateful message, too. The unnamed waiter received a note on a bill that read “service was good, but we don’t tip sinful homosexuals.” And when word got out about it, one man went above and beyond to make up for it with kindness.

Eric Salzwedel heard about the unnamed server’s experience and decided to do something to help. He started a Venmo challenge to right the wrong and within 36 hours, his social media followers had donated thousands to be used as a tip for that server. He dined at the restaurant and surprised the server with a $45-hundred tip and says they were extremely grateful.

“To the folks who felt it was necessary to write this hateful note and not tip,” Eric writes in a Facebook post, “Don’t worry, me and about 250 others will cover the tip for you.”


Businessman signing the bill at restaurant

Photo: Getty Images

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