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Daily Do Good: Mom Adopts Four Siblings Once Separated In Foster Care

A group of four siblings who were once separated in the foster care system are now all together under one roof. And thanks to their mom, they get to stay that way.

Susan Pires first met the three little girls and one little boy two years ago when they were foster kids. The mom from Charlotte, North Carolina, says one of the children immediately let her know she wanted to be adopted by asking, “If things don’t work out with me going back to my family, would you adopt us?” And that’s exactly what she set out to do.

The adoption has now been finalized and Pires shared the GOOD news with the kids at a surprise party last week. They are delighted to be one big family and they’re comforted by knowing they won’t ever have to be split up again. “You’re not a foster kid anymore,” Susan told her kids at the party. “You’re a Pires.”


Paper people chain, books and judge's gavel. Law, family politics and marriage legalization.

Photo: Getty Images

Photo- Getty

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