During a family vacation to Portland, Maine, five-year-old Eddie lost his beloved stuffed bunny, Bean. Jennifer Dzermejko says her son lost Bean at a park and after retracing their steps, they didn’t locate him, so she reached out on social media with a plea for Bean’s return.
Adam MacDonald, communications director for Portland Downtown heard about the missing bunny from a lost-and-found posting on Craigslist and shared it on his organization’s Facebook page. From there, other downtown businesses shared the post and MacDonald emailed hundreds of shops and restaurants to let them know to keep their eyes peeled for Bean.
Just 45 minutes later, MacDonald got an email from Kristen Forester, manager of a downtown restaurant, who had located the lovey. Eddie and Bean were happily reunited and his mom says, “it was so great how the community came together” to make it happen.
Source: Press Herald