Mesa, Arizona, Realtor Nick Reeves recently became a local hero for saving a dog from a burning house. After showing a property to clients, he noticed smoke coming from a nearby home. Initially thinking it was a tractor fire, he soon realized the house was on fire and sprang into action.
Along with a couple of neighbors, Reeves rushed to the scene, working quickly to make sure everyone was safely out of the home. He says that while a house can be replaced, lives cannot, which is what prompted him to respond so quickly.
Reeves didn’t find any people inside the burning home, but he did discover a dog trapped inside. He scaled a wall, located the dog, and brought it safely back outside and away from the fire. Despite his brave actions, Reeves modestly downplayed his heroism, saying police officers, first responders, and military personnel are the true heroes. Thankfully, no one was injured in the fire.
Source: FOX 10 PHOENIX