Daily Do Good: Police K9 Leads To Rescue Of Puppy Tied Up, Left To Die

On Monday night, a police dog named Ronin from the Houston Police Department helped officers catch a robbery suspect. But Ronin didn't stop there - while chasing down the suspect, he spotted a puppy tied to an old box spring in the woods. Officers found the scared black and white pup left to die in the brush.

After securing the robbery suspect, Ronin's handler took the abandoned puppy home for care and comfort. Photos shared by the Houston Police Officers' Union on social media show the little dog sitting in a cardboard box at the officer's home while Ronin watches over him from the bed.

The puppy is said to be in great spirits, receiving the love and attention he needs. And now the police are searching for a permanent home for the rescued pup. It shouldn’t take long, though, since pics of the adorable guy received dozens of comments from people interested in adoption.

Source: NY POST

Police K9

Photo: aijohn784 / iStock / Getty Images

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