Daily Do Good: Hero Rookie Cop In Ohio Saves Toddler’s Life

In Ashland, Ohio, a three-year-old girl was given a second chance at life thanks to the quick and decisive actions of a rookie police officer. When the girl became unresponsive after falling and hitting her head, Officer Soren Osicka, 23, along with his colleagues, responded and performed life-saving CPR on the child.

Osicka's CPR was crucial in reviving the young girl, who had stopped breathing and didn’t have a pulse. Despite initial success in resuscitating her, she stopped breathing again, prompting Osicka to continue CPR until she was breathing independently and responding. The child was then cared for by the officers until emergency medical services arrived moments later and transported her to the hospital.

The Ashland Police Division praised Osicka’s “exceptional service” on social media, saying the event underscores the importance of CPR training. They also announced plans for refresher training for their officers and encouraged the public to get certified in CPR. The three-year-old has since recovered and returned home to her family.

Source: ABC NEWS

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Photo: Toa55 / iStock / Getty Images

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