Nine Alligators Rescued From Home In Pennsylvania

A man in Armstrong, County Pennsylvania had an unexpected guest on his porch when he found a giant alligator sprawled in front of his front door. Tony Gularsky, said in a recent interview that he’d just gotten back from a hospital stay when a neighbor called him, warning him to stay inside. However, Gularsky said he wasn’t surprised to find the 6-foot reptile on his property since his other neighbor, Dominic Hayward, 26, was known to keep about 10 gators at his house nearby.

The cops rescued the remaining alligators and arrested Hayward for improper sale and transportation of certain animals after trying to sell them on Craigslist. As for how one of the scaly guys ended up at Gularsky’s, a dirty backyard pool enclosure had broken, resulting in a least one reptile going AWOL.

Source: WTAE

Trespassing Alligator

Photo: strathroy / iStock / Getty Images

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