Short Men Have More Psychopathic Traits, According To Study

A new study says that short men are evolutionarily hardwired for “dark triad” personality traits. Like big d–k energy, the short king’s height only compounded their magnetism. On top of which, the Journal of Sexual Medicine found they enjoy more frequent sex, and are 32 percent less likely to divorce if they’re under 5’9”. If you were about to embark on a search for a short king of your own, know that it may come at a cost: a group of Polish scientists have found that short men “may actually be evolutionarily hardwired” to what’s known as the “dark triad” personality traits, associated with more confrontational behavior. The research was rooted in investigating the so-called Napoleon complex – named after the (allegedly) 5’2” leader who sought power through aggression and was mocked by British newspapers for his height during the French revolution – and found the myth was grounded in truth.


Teenage boys (16-18) wrestler, leaning on short boy

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