A woman in Fort Myers who lost her wedding ring days before Hurricane Ian is shocked to find it in the debris during the clean up. Ashley Garner misplaced her wedding ring just days before Hurricane Ian devastated the Southwest Florida area where she lives. After looking for the ring for two days with the help of her husband and three children, she finally gave up and accepted that it was gone.
Then Hurricane Ian made landfall not far from the Garner’s home and wreaked havoc on the entire region. Fortunately, the Garner’s neighborhood didn’t see the damage that many in the area did, but they had lots of downed trees and debris. So, as soon as the storm had passed, they got outside and started the cleanup. Imagine their surprise when they located the ring in a pile of leaves and sticks in their side yard.
Ashley took to social media to share the good news. “I lost my wedding ring a couple days before the hurricane. We looked high & low for dayyssss. Ian was coming & I just accepted it was gone and I would never get it back, “ she writes in the post. “It was literally in a pile of brush when we opened the garage to start clean up. 😭😭😭😭😭 with so much devastation this gave us a little hope ❤️”
Source: Today