The Crazy Things Women Did To Snag A Husband In The 50s

Finding a mate has certainly changed over the years, and while these days most people will look for love online, that certainly wasn’t the case in the 50s. In fact, most women these days probably wouldn’t be caught dead trying to snag a man the way earlier generations did.

So, what steps did women of the 50s take to try and find a partner? Well, a British woman named Jordana Grace, who lives in Queensland, recently went viral after sharing tips on finding a husband from a magazine from 1958.

Some of the tips included:

  • “Be nice to ugly men because handsome is as handsome does.”
  • “Go to all your high school reunions because there could be widowers there.”
  • “Learn to paint and set up an easel outside of an engineering school.”
  • “Go back to your home town because a wild boy next door might now be an eligible bachelor.”
  • “Drop a handkerchief. It still works.”
  • “Wear a band aid so he can ask what’s wrong.”
  • “Stand in the corner and cry softly because they’ll come over and ask what’s wrong." 

Almost two million people have viewed Jordana’s video, and folks certainly have some thoughts.

  • “I’ve been doing it all wrong,” one person commented, with another adding, “Well now I know why I’m single.”
  • Some even think the tips may work in this day and age.
  • “The hilarious part is most of these are still good tips,” one person pointed out, with another adding, “They never said these are ways to get a good husband, but these might still work, we are not that complicated.”


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Photo: Getty Images

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