DDG: Neighbors Perform CPR To Save Man From Heart Attack Before Wedding

A Pennsylvania man suffering a heart attack makes it to his neighbor’s house, where they perform CPR on him, saving his life. Chris Favorin had just finished a workout at his York Haven home when he started having chest pains. He knew it was serious and didn’t think he had time to make it to the hospital, so he went to his neighbors’ house, rang their doorbell and collapsed on their porch.

Favorin’s neighbors, nurse practitioner Rachel Mowry and her husband, firefighter/EMT Christopher Mowry, answered the door and sprang into action, performing CPR on him until paramedics arrived on scene. At the hospital, doctors removed a total blockage of his left anterior descending artery, a condition commonly called a “widowmaker.”

Just four days later, Favorin returned to his neighbor’s door, this time to thank them for saving his life. And a few weeks after that, Favorin and his fiancée, Beth, went ahead with the wedding they’d been planning. A wedding that almost didn’t happen. The Mowrys were there in the front row and even got a shout-out from the altar. “Without them being there, I know I would not have made it,” the grateful groom said.

Source: Inside Edition

Close up of man is heart attack

Photo: Getty Images

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