Daily Do Good: Good Samaritan Saves Choking Baby On Highway

A good Samaritan stops to help a woman on the side of the road and ends up saving her baby’s life. Jim Tice and his grandson Cole Long were heading out to hunt on Sunday morning around 4 a.m. As they drove down Highway 1 in Harrisburg, Arkansas, Long noticed a woman on the side of the road holding a baby, so he told his grandfather to pull over.

Tice pulled over and Long ran to the woman, who said her baby wasn’t breathing. Having received EMT training in the military, Long knew just what to do. He began working on the baby while the mother and his grandfather looked on. Tice was shocked and beyond proud of his grandson. “He did not hesitate one bit, he was out there doing the thing,” he says. “And the whole time saying she’s going to be alright; she’s going to be alright.”

Long noticed that the baby had something lodged in her throat. He was able to clear the baby’s throat, allowing her to breathe again. Emergency services arrived a few minutes later, but by that time the baby was breathing fine, even laughing. First responders say that Long very likely saved the baby’s life. “I’m very thankful that we stopped,” says Long. “Not for personal gain or self-gain or anything like that, but to be there for that mom and be there for that kid.”

Source:KAIT 8

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Photo: Getty Images

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