DDG: Hundreds Come See Boy Adopted After 1,553 Days In Foster Care

An eight-year-old boy who spent nearly half his life in foster care has been adopted and a crowd of 300 people were there to cheer him on when it became official. Nike Schwartz had been in foster care for 1,553 days before the ceremony last week made him a full-fledged member of the adoptive family he’s been with since he was four.

Nike’s parents, Kristi and David Schwartz,wanted to celebrate the end of four years in foster care extra special for him, so they had t-shirts made that read: “May the Schwartz be with you,” and they invited 300 loved ones to cheer him on at the ceremony. Some of Nike’s second-grade classmates were there, as well as Batman, his favorite superhero.

"It was just overwhelming. I can’t think of a better word for it," Kristi says. "It was unbelievable to see everyone who came out and supported our family and who have supported us through all of this."

Source:Good Morning America

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