Timing is everything in life and for one South Florida spearfisherman, his timing couldn't have been any better. He was attacked by a shark last weekend and ended up getting saved by a group of medical professionals who just happened to be in a boat nearby.
The 40-year-old diver was bitten by the shark while he was diving near Key Biscayne on Saturday morning. The people he was with managed to flag down a passing charter fishing boat to help. Turns out that boat was filled with nothing but nurses.
The medical pro's jumped into action once the man was put on the boat and immediately applied a tourniquet to the man's mangled arm. The boat captain radioed ahead for help and ended up dropping the seriously injured diver off at a local park where emergency personnel picked him up.
He remains in a Miami hospital but is reported to be in stable condition and is recovering from the bite.
Source: WPLG