Daily Do Good: Officers Attend Graduation Party To Honor Teen's Late Dad

Most of the time, when the cops show up at a party, it’s pretty much over. But when the police arrived at Micah Schieber’s high school graduation celebration, it actually got better. That’s because the officers were there in honor of Micah’s dad, Chad, a former Midland, Michigan police officer who worked with them and died when his son was only six of an undetected heart condition while running the Chicago Marathon in 2007.

The teen says he wanted the officers at his graduation party because “I just thought it’d be cool to have a piece of my family and my dad at my graduation, because that’s something I’ll always miss.” But even he was blown away when car after car arrived to celebrate with him. These guests didn’t come empty-handed either, the officers brought gifts including a trading card featuring Micah’s dad and $111 in cash, a nod to his father’s badge number. The grad says he’s “forever grateful” they came, adding, “I just want to thank them over and over and over.”

Source:ABC News

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