Daily Do Good: Man Collects Close To 3-Million Pop Tabs For Charity

It’s taken him about 30 years, but Jim Spinler of Medford, Minnesota has collected close to three million pop tabs, all for a good cause. The 75-year-old has been saving the metal tabs from cans to donate to the Ronald McDonald House in Rochester.

He’s going to keep collecting them until he reaches his goal of filling a box that’s six feet wide and four feet tall, which holds about three million of them, so far he has over 2.7-million! The Ronald McDonald House collects the aluminum tabs to recycle, usually bringing in $10,000 to $15,000 a year - who knows how much they’ll get for Spinler’s haul!

"It's something that everybody should do -- some charity work. And that's what I'm doing is a charity work,” Spinler explains. “You know, I never dreamed of having this much. Really proud of myself.” And we’re all proud of you too!

Source: KTTC

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